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The art of international content marketing: 10 tips for websites and web shops

Content is king, and this is certainly true in the case of international content marketing. It is crucial to map out a well thought out strategy before you start translating your content. Don't do this after the fact, because then you run the risk that your content will not match the expectations of your international target audience.

1. Establish a strategy

Consider in advance why you want to create content for an international audience. What are your goals? Do you want to sell your product or service, or increase brand awareness? If you know what you want to achieve, you can better assess what style and tone you should use in your content.

2. Provide a clear structure

A clear structure is essential for a good website or web shop. Use a clear menu bar and make sure the navigation is logical. This also applies to your content: make use of headings and subheadings so that your readers can quickly find what they are looking for.

3. Avoid specific examples from 1 culture or country

If your content is intended for an international audience, it is important that you write for a general, international audience. Don't use specific examples or references that can only be understood by people from one particular culture.

4. Use simple words

Try to use simple words in your content. This makes it easier for people from other cultures to understand your message. Also, use short sentences; this is easier to read for people who do not speak their native language.

5. Translate your keywords

If you're going to translate content, it's important to translate your keywords as well. Look for words or phrases that people from other countries use when searching online. This way, you can ensure that your content is more findable in international search engines.

6. Make sure you have a good title

The title of your article or web page is very important because it is the first thing people see. Make sure your title is consistent with the rest of your content and make use of keywords so that you are more findable in search engines.

7. Use of imagery

Visuals make your content more appealing and easier to understand. Use photos, videos or infographics to get your message across. Make sure your visuals are relevant to your target audience and your message.

8. Promote your content

Once your content is ready, it's time to start promoting it. Make sure your content is easily findable on your website or online store. Use social media to share your content with your international target audience.

9. Analyze your results

Your international content marketing campaign is never done. You should regularly analyze your results and adjust where necessary. For example, look at how many visitors you are getting to your website or online store, and where these visitors are coming from.

10. Keep learning

International content marketing is a complex field, so there is always something to learn. Also, keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments. That way you can be sure you're always ahead of the curve.

Benefits of Clonable

By cloning a site with Clonable you will enter the international market in no time. Instead of hiring a translator, translating all your content and creating a new website, Clonable will provide you with a new, translated website in minutes. What is the importance of a translated site through Clonable?

  • Consumers prefer to store in their own language
  • You can give customers from any country a great customized customer experience
  • You will have the opportunity to market your products in a broader international market
  • You are more findable in search engines(SEO)
  • More efficient campaigns and advertising abroad

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